Our primary task as individuals, independent of what anyone else thinks or does, is to preserve our integrity in the face of moral confusion, adversity and opportunities for material advantage. Our task is to be a beacon of conscience for the rest of humanity, a moral compass for those who have strayed, an anchor of reason for those who were deceived. When the illusions will crumble, and they always do, the resulting void in meaning will have to be filled again, the structure of sense restored.

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I was just preparing an episode on this particular flashpoint hero, but yours is much more sassy. It does matter who's behind the megaphone, as you say. I like your style.

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ALU, I just posted the episode that quotes this article and crossposts to it here: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/conspiracy-researchers-and-robert

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I really appreciate this assessment. When in doubt, always zoom out.

I have to skip certain ‘not a movement’ posts and stacks. There are a few around and their main purpose seems to be to instigate and rile up the crowds. They suck the energy out of the air. And frankly, those kind of posts are so fucking boring and the comments turn into a giant circle jerk. It’s like a bunch of yapping dogs saying the same shit over and over.

I see hope because the horizon looks grey too. Stockdale Paradox.

None of us have to get along. The machine will implode on its own. I just need to do what’s mine to do. And you do what is yours to do. And everyone does what is theirs to do. Not that I don’t appreciate the camaraderie. Some more than others. Having actual substance helps.

Real community needs a common goal. If there is a ‘we’ then it’s the ‘we’ sharing the goal of surviving the machine. That’s what I gathered from your post and it’s what I believe myself. So if that connection is enough, than I’m glad to stand shoulder to shoulder with you in the ‘movement’.

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Well done. Thank you. The Bakersfield Drs. are hard to find now. Note they were among the first to tell everyone we were being Skooby Doo'd and proven right.

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wow wow wow my mind has been blown first thing this morning!

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I have some questions too.

Thanksgiving is my latest substack song in latest piece .

No answers

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I never desired to be slapped with the labels of "antivaxxer" and "conspiracy theorist," but my esoteric interests and excessive reading habits as a youngster locked me into a category which both labels are commonly applied to. I've acquired too much data that is not accepted by the mainstream.

and I've never been quiet about it, either. I'm sure I have a lovely File stored and updated by the oxymorons, er, "intelligence" agencies.

I have no interest in switching to the Normals team, and I resist advertising as well as more official propaganda.

I still get controlled, since I'm in the wrong socioeconomic caste to be free of the wage slave gig, and prefer as much comfort as I can wrangle rather than living free with a tent and minimal equipment in the wilderness.

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Great read, ALU ! ... they don't call them the 5 Eyes for nothin' ... maybe the 5 Eyes, Ears & Throats was too wordy

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The best advice I heard is to use the system as little as possible. For instance I buy more from Publix now, a private company as opposed to where I previously bought from vitacost, (kroger), target etc....who are companies invested in by vanguard, blackrock, statestreet etc.... Moved bank account to a local credit union, use cash more., turn off wifi and bluetooth on the phone as much as possible. I support local, state and any family run companies as much as possible. Basically creating an alternative system to starve the beast. Also I want these companies to survive so I can survive. I look at this situation very seriously. Little things done by a lot of people add up.

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You have to go with the existing society. We have to protect capitalism by regulation. Capitalism isn't bad. Capitalism is what got us here. Persons must be able to spend their money where they choose. Forcing everyone to get a Moderna or Pfizer vaccine destroys the existing society on two counts: it exemplifies the shut down of a free market economy because first of all the vaccines are mandatory with no choice (or the society is trying to make it mandatory as possible), and, second because there are only a few Pharma outfits. They provide little choice as to whether to get a vax or not, and they provide us with little choice as to treatment options such as choice of hospitals or alternative medicines other than vax. So you need both economics and politics: genuine free market capitalism as well as good elected officials. It is ca p italism that created the society we live in and the society we live needs to be preserved.

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Interesting and honest, imo, and yes, "Who Is Dr. Robert Malone," is an excellent question.

And as the man himself is asking it, I think it behooves us to ask it as well!

The "US" I refer to is the very loosely associated yet familial group of individuals who have attacked and exposed human rights abuses commonly perpetrated by pHarma and Government, often in exceptionally unholy alliances leading to torturous situations of experimentation, cruelty, toxic exposures, neglect, illness, disability, death, and abuse.

The list is so long I will not attempt to provide it, but if you read the work of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Dr. Peter Breggins you will have a basic primer on how this match made in Hades can impact innocent and vulnerable human beings.

Various honest individuals with more than a smattering of moral courage have stumbled or pushed into these darkest of corners, and once aware of these abuses of power and authority, or outright malfeasance and criminal conduct cannot NOT do something to call attention to, as well work to stop the horrors they have discovered.

Many of humanity's finest are the people who call "us," (society,) out on our inhumanity to others.

Often we are unaware of the cruelty that is going on unbeknownst to the masses, think Nuremburg, Muskogee, etc., but other times it is right out in the open-- slavery, war, impoverishment, women's oppression, medical experimentation, psychological torture, forced conscription, etc.

Today the Medical Freedom Movement is absolutely the natural extension and offspring of older great struggles to protect the individual from violation and violence committed by unbelievably powerful economic forces which are "in bed with" and in "full coitus" with Government authority, creating a Fascistic Beast Child that no one stands against without having dire consequences wreaked upon them in punishment.

You cannot question the Beast Child's Godlike Authority without being stripped of your credentials, being thrown to the ravening wolves appointed to speak for the Beast Child in the Public Domain, having your livelihood "dissappeared," and in the case of genuine threats to the B.C.'s primary feeding tube, (human sickness, suffering and death,) being either imprisoned or removed from the living entirely.

Witness the sudden spate of deaths among successful Alternative Medicine Doctors back around 2015- literally one after another straight up the east coast of the United States a whole army of great practioners suddenly died of shot gun blasts, murders, "suicides," and heart attacks! What did they all have in common? They were at breakthrough levels with holistic and non-toxic treatments for cancer, in most cases.

So one way to know someone is legitimately on "Our Side" is pHarma, or it's minions, takes them out. Of course that's a little later than we'd like.

Another way to know they are for real, IMHO, is they are relentlessly attacked, isolated, and vilified, or just endlessly ignored, by most of the establishment.

I think I'll stick with those who have been in this fight for decades, and have earned their stripes BEFORE Covid, the enemy's Big Play on the whole human Earth. At least those folks are not likely to be controlled directly by Beast Child. Think Kennedy, the Breggins, Vera Sharev, Sherri Tenpenny, Andy Wakefield, etc.

Any newcomers, who never noticed the problems before? Well, guys and girls, the jury's out on you, that is for SURE!

The Beast knew we would be it's only real opponent and don't think for one moment it didn't have plans to deal with us!

And if someone new to our ranks puts their foot wrong in a REALLY big way, I think we Know Who You Are, even if you do not. ; ))

Offspring of the industrial, military, pharmaceutical bio-security state itself? Yikes!! Now there is a danger signal that reeks to high heaven! Are we idiots, or what? I think Peter and Ginger deserve respect, they have earned it. And perhaps we are all too fast to believe in Fairy Tales and indulge in wishful thinking.

I am not saying who or what anyone IS. That I think we don't get to know without a long and dark track record, people willing to go into that darkness for others, at great personal cost.

Methinks that this man protesteth too much, is too new to the game as well and is tossing atom bombs where he should not.

And while I hope he's not a CIA, NSA, HS, etc., asset working to destroy us and I do hope he is an individual of intelligence who just finally figured it all out, I'm not holding my breath lol; the former does seem a little bit more likely to me than the later......

Just saying.

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Yes, all opposition is controlled! of course! they do really control every part of the narrative too. There is hope in awareness practice https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/a-healthy-future-does-not-lie-with mediation, listening to our hearts https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/conscious


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F=m * a

Without opposition there is no momentum

So let the condition of covid bleed to death, choose a way perpendicular to these forces

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If one considers flashpoints then imo the bait has already been taking.

What i do ? I circumambulate, carefully avoiding being drawn into the duality. In stead i let the offered information participate with my own mind. And i check myself. If i cannot find a middle then i have a problem within me. And so i progress. Do i take sides, yes sometimes, more or less. In the case of The Briggins and RM I will support the Briggins somewhat for the one reason ' why slam a 25m case in one's face' ?

Secondly i am not surprised to read that RM is banning people from his list. I steared way from him from one reason only : he wants to get paid to participate. Well i consider myself just as valuable as he does himself, lol.

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If you are losing the game, change the rules.

I had that sticker on my helmet without knowing why I put it there in 2019. Who liked the way things were going in this slide to dystopia before covid? Things have just accelerated. Owning the reset has been my perspective on it, and its moved me further away from the demise to see hope and even dream.

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