That was the greenest cat i ever did see/swinging from a piano tree/where, i asked, was the doggone swing?/but it had fled with the picnic basket/and i was gonna use the ladder/but i forgot to ask it/I forgot the tune/its an ear worm now/im the early bird/ive finished now.

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The DNA double helix, discovered by Watson and Crick but imagined by Escher!? Are we the strange loops destined one day to return to the void of our Creator? Which comes first: Being or Essence? Were we meant to ask? or just to live the magical gifts of life granted to us?

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Wonderful convolutions of consciousness, my dear. It reminds me of reading, in poetic form, the explorations of Douglas Hofstadter in his book, Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid.

From the Wikipedia article on Quine's paradox, this relevant quote:

The liar paradox ("This sentence is false", or "The next sentence is true. The previous sentence is false") demonstrates essential difficulties in assigning a truth value even to simple sentences.

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This is beautiful. Thank you 🙏

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You had to ask?

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