If I haven't said before 'diversion hydra kg' is an anagram of David Henry Gorski, his full name. Also

Dr Davos hey irking

Dodgier viny shark

He is a nasty piece of work and must know, if you will excuse me, shit all about anything much.

As I gather he is on the side of chemotherapy and big pharma poisons and having gone through the scam of immuno-therapy myself in 2020 before I realised what was going on, he is obviously a grade 1 'very darkish dingo'.

Which happens to be another anagram of his name. So is 'shadier vying dork'. I could go on but Ithink his name could be the problem.

The good thing is he does stimulate the 'little grey cells' as Hercules Poirot says.

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What a great statement, and absolutely true: "It’s not our health at stake here. We already made up our minds. We’re doing this for you, who despise us."

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This is a beautiful inside look at the psychology involved...

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My sentiments exactly. Watching all these people dying gives me a glimpse into what it must have been like during the black death or plague. Obviously it's less scary now with the circumstantial cause being the vaccination (conclusive cause imo) and hopefully the vaccinated are not shedding (if that's even a real thing).

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I tend to say that even if it wasn't the vaccine, it really isn't a good idea to stick poisons into one's body, especially as one can't be sure what is in each vial.

Shedding is not a real thing except that a highly poisoned body might exude poisons. But as the body will probably be dead by then, handling with care will be advisable.


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Causality may be inferred via correlation.

Iron out the discrepancies via Bradford-Hill logic checks.


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It’s like you were front and center during a conversation I had with a dear friend the other day.

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