I'd like to draw focus to something Mattias said in his article which you linked to: "What we need is a new consciousness, a new awareness of what the essence of life and the essence of our human existence is"

... I think this should be the point of unification and/or contention. This is a statement I believe most of us (who are following along) can agree with, though we will all have some very different views on what this new consciousness should look like. But fundamentally, this statement is a recognition that the systems in place are keeping us bound in servitude from reaching our potential, both individually and collectively.

And, I might even extend this to something that the transhumanists believe as well. It's this very belief (of a new sort of collective consciousness) that is driving many of the machinations at play right now. The stark difference is their take being anti-spiritual at it's core, and runs counter to the direction many of would choose to go. (Also, it maintains a core elite in the control room, with the rest designated as guinea pigs. Kind of how things have always been.)

It's those who are willfully ignorant of all the shenanigans who don't want to re-evalue their lives or roles within the corporate pyramid; these are the people who would not agree with that statement, as it inherently conflicts with many modern conveniences and luxuries which would require re-evaluation and potential sacrafice, should we collectively agree that we need new change. The "conspiracy theorist" hurdle becomes more of an impenetrable wall from this context. I don't have any answers for how to penetrate this division, though I think our "modern conveniences" have been used as leverage to prevent real change from occurring throughout the last number of decades.

I'm not trying to throw another wedge into this important discussion. I agree fully with your commented response on his article. But as the narrative appears to collapsing rather quickly, there is a bit of a fork in the road towards how to best utilize this momentous shift. Highlighting ALL transgressions is critical. Holding all those accountable might be a relatively futile expense of energy though. If I could invoke a punishment, I think unanimous shaming and a legitimate form of exile (NOT a country club prison) could be the most transformative approach, as opposed to drawn-out legal proceedings or a mob-mentality vigilante justice approach. Any tactics involving vengeance will be spiritually expensive, and risk losing sight of fundamental change for the system itself. Thus, something akin to "get out of here and I better not ever see your face again" might be the most efficient way of dispensing of the puppets, so that we can trace the strings back to their controller. (A compromise approach might be along the lines of how the Inuit dealt with the kunlangeta.)

This is a well articulated post. Controlled opposition is a mindfuck of a topic.

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Sep 7, 2022Liked by Air Lift Underground

Very well said.

There are at least a handful of major items that simply cannot be attributed to incompetence.

I am thinking specifically of the war/suppression of re-purposed drugs. This by itself is clear evidence of something more than just stupidity. Tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of lives were lost due to this alone.

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Sep 8, 2022Liked by Air Lift Underground

I'm late to the party here, but I wanted to just say this: I really resonate with your perspective.

I wasn't "up" on this specific book controversy prior to opening this stack today, but I did read through the rebuttal to the harsh book review, your comment, and this stack before posting.

I've been labeled (in my admittedly tiny social circles) as a conspiracy theorist for a couple decades now. You described what it's like perfectly. I've become so tired of those that do not seek truth deriding me, only to have the facts I've learned surface 2-3+ yrs later. Popular news is like watching an old movie for me...

Once you see how they operate, you can't un-see it. And you are correct that is the most important driver here... if people see and understand how it was pulled off, the same psyop won't work again for at least a few years. And as you said, if we don't learn that collectively, we'll get more and more of the same.

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Sep 7, 2022·edited Sep 7, 2022Liked by Air Lift Underground

My Razor: Never attribute to incompetence that which can be explained by malice. Corruption, deception and conspiracy are the norm of public relations; it is good faith and honesty that are fringe tendencies. This is especially true in politics where everyone is a competent liar.

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Sep 7, 2022Liked by Air Lift Underground

An excellent and insightful analysis that has been missing from much of the commentary and discussions; the reality is that the Breggins have been vilified much more than either Desmet or Malone but perhaps not surprisingly as that just reflects the ideological divisions so prevalent in today's society in general; one has to read Desmet's statement or rebuttal (defense?) very carefully in that it reveals some hint as to his personal motivations and vulnerability; his arguments are strong but apologetic at the same time as he reveals that he is also a victim who is not free to speak his mind fully without consequences (as many others who have spoken up have suffered) ; there is a tone of protesting too much, especially when discussing such terms as "conspiracy theories" and "elites", terms which he either avoids or de-emphasizes, all of which detracts from his credibility; Malone does the same to this day and openly states that there is a lack of certainty to point to evil and planned intent (which is almost laughable considering the mountain of evidence coming out each day!). Enough for now....

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As an unapologetic fan of Mattias Desmet, I take issue with both your initial review and today's essay. Eugenics has been universally condemned despite the fact it is practiced worldwide through extermination facilities like Planned Parenthood. At the risk of sounding like a Nazi sympathizer, it is not hard to imagine the proud people of Germany grating under the crushing sanctions of Versailles. As a children's protective services worker, I found myself believing that pedophiles and certain sadistic and insane murderers should be castrated. The psychological question posed by the nurture v nature controversy will probably never be satisfactorily answered.

Let me take a giant step in logic and imagine that Hitler was not an insane monster before he was the victim of a poison gas attack in World War I.

The people of Germany responded to him in the same way that people in the USA are responding to Joe Biden and his court jester Tony Fauci. Faced with a seemingly new crisis (on top of the population explosion and the alleged global warming), people were ready to have their constitutional rights removed by what they saw as a benevolent government.

Those in power, from Trump to Biden and back to our new ruler Obama, were moved to take some action that would calm the masses. Of course, once the initial shock of COVID had worn out, the 3rd Obama administration demanded (per Desmet's book) that more and more restrictions be established to cope with what we were told were new variants of COVID.

If people continued to read Hannah Arend's THE ORIGINS OF TOTALITARIANISM, Dr. Desmet might not have had to write his book.

It is a blessing to the literate world, however, that he did so. It is likely we will soon see our one-time friends ratting us out to the government for subversive thoughts.

Maybe, initially, our government actually wanted to protect us from the Fauci Flu. Sadly, this desire has been abandoned and replaced with policies of control and, ultimately, violence, imprisonment, and death to those who dare to have independent thought.

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People were misled, used as guinea pigs in desperate search of efficacy by the ticking biological clocks of the elite, with the only regard to safety being to the degree of flying under the radar. It is the oversimplfication of various unproven ideas and how they hoped application of mRNA sequencing algorithms would work in a human being which failed miserably. I do not believe depopulation is the overarching factor, as is advancing and testing enticing technologies, so experimental that people did not want to be subjects, unless convinced it was safe, effective, or they would lose their job. People are seen and treated as expendable and used until no longer found useful. My belief is the 95% efficacy was the score for approximating the spike protein alone with zero consideration of the N protein, adverse reactions, the instability of mRNA in vials, and later as an approximation of the spike protein alone, which can change shape as it travels through the body due to temperature and pH changes, moreover with the ability of breaking through the blood brain barrier per LNPs - whether synthetic cutting edge graphene or full-fat - I do not know.

Incompetence, ignorance, negligence, malice, corruption, evil, fraud?

Yes, in my eyes, all of the above.

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Robert Heinlein's 'Stranger in a Strange Land' is one of my favorite books (specially the revised version that was published after his demise. The revised version was actually the original story but it was decided to published a more likable version :)

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